Información de desempleo traducida

(esta es una traducción por computadora de contenido en en 2020-04-03)

COVID-19 y Beneficios de Desempleo

Las prestaciones de desempleo pueden estar disponibles para algunas personas cuyo desempleo es atribuible a COVID-19. El IDES adoptó recientemente normas de emergencia para tratar de que el sistema de seguro de desempleo sea lo más sensible posible a la situación actual.

Corona Virus - Mutual Aid

Immigrant Solidarity DuPage is helping to coordinate mutual aid to those who are having acute difficulties during this disease outbreak.

We have so far been able to:

  • Shop for and drop off groceries for those who are quarantined at home
  • Provide some basic food and necessities assistance for those who are indigent

If you are a member of the Latino community and are in critical need of assistance, send an email to the address shown above and we'll try to help. You can write to us in either English or Spanish.


Voter forum

League of Women Voters to Hold Candidate Forums for Primary Elections, 2020

Batavia, Ill – January 7, 2020 - The Aurora Area, Central Kane County, and
Naperville chapters of the League of Women Voters (LWV), along with the
Batavia Chamber of Commerce, will sponsor candidate forums in winter 2020 for
select contested primary elections. The public is invited and encouraged to
attend. Seating is limited so the audience members should arrive early.
